Tuesday, August 3, 2010

day LIFE

i am going to stop labeling these by days,
because as you can see my last post was on friday.
between moving and existing outside of the 11"x 8" screen in front of me,
i have been super busy.

today i am frustrated with a couple of things.


i am not much of a card player.
played a little uno back in the day.
a little poker here and there.
the card played that I loathe the most, is the black card.

i don't go around complaining that people owe my anything because i have brown hair or because my great great great grandmother was homeless because some italian dude stole all of her money and beat her.
did this happen?
not to my knowledge.
but if it were true,
it isn't affecting me in my present life, so why complain about it or expect things because of it or hate every single italian because of it?

i'm not comparing this fictitious story to that of slavery...
and if you thought that i was or are already offended...
stop reading my blog now
because you don't deserve to read it.

slavery was incredibly wrong and gross and demeaning, etc.
i cannot change this. 
i am sorry it happened.
to the people it happened to...
not the ones still using it as an excuse
or a reason for a hand-out.

call me a racist.
whatever...i've always said, and stand by, that 'white trash' is by far the worst race.
truly, it is.

even with my previous statement,
i was called a racist recently.
i was leaving work on a monday night
(when i worked at the gym)
and a group of guys that always play basketball there
were outside hanging out.
i knew them from coming in the gym 
and we had all gotten to know each other well
and we were always friendly with each other.
my coworkers and i were locking up
saying bye
and i said
"ya'll don't break in and steal anything."
they laughed.

(now, i am one to say things innocently
and then immediately realize what i said,
but with this...the thought of racism never crossed my mind)
 needless to say...one guy took it wrong.
came up to me working the next week and asked what i meant by that statement.
me, not knowing what he was referring to, asked
"what statement?"
"you know the one about breaking in...did you mean that in a derogatory, racist way?"
i, being a joker myself, seriously thought he was joking.
so i laugh back..."why yes, that's exactly what i meant."
when i saw his reaction...i.e. him not laughing...
i assured him it was a statement/JOKE i would have said to anyone.

i am not sorry he took it that way...nor did i apologize.
that is stupid.
was he guilty of something?
i don't know, but i - in no way - was accusing him
or insinuating he would have broken in.

may i add that i also loathe the 'n' word.
i don't even like when "they" use it.

but for godsake, if i were to call someone that word
all hell would break loose.
yet while flipping channels on tv or just being in public,
i constantly hear 'white' people being referred to as
white bitches

WHY IS THIS OKAY????????????????

don't put the guilt of slavery on me
especially people around my own age. they didn't even experience segregation.
they have every oppurtunity
(if not more through african american scholarships*, etc)
to be just as successful as anyone else.
*why can't there be a white, non-atheltic, non-baby mama, working two jobs through college scholarship for me?!?!? if i ever become rich and famous look for said scholarship to be awarded to someone through my donations :) 

i don't expect things to be handed to me because of my race.
neither should anyone else.
ALL races have their advantages and disadvantages.
and i'm not saying all "black" people act this way, but i see it all too often.
so don't expect me to apologize or feel sorry for you because your great great great grandmother was a slave.

get over it already.


most obnoxious family - the duggars

need i say more?

this lady said, after her and her baby barely made it through labor AND the baby being in neonatal care for 8 months, that she wouldn't be opposed to baby number 20. gross.

yes, i would potentially leave all 10-12 of my kids that couldn't take care of themselves yet, motherless.
what a selfish person.

she pops out babies like a puppy mill.
but my, oh my, how they are rolling in the dough now.
and i'm sure baby number 20 would bring about numerous outlets for potential profits.
go away reality tv stars...i'm over it.

just a little frustration venting today.
no one said creating themselves was all smiles and flowers.
you need dirt to grow as well :)

peace and love.

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